Brandy(L) and Joelle(R) with "Ludic" Lucky Luciano del Nasi, BH
Brandy grew up in family that rehabilitated and trained dogs for hobbies and worked in Animal Shelters. Her grandmother was a K9 Handler and her mother was active in Dog Shows and Schutzhund dogs. Brandy has been training/rehabilitating shelter dogs/rescues since she was 13yrs of age. Since her first rescue Doberman, she has been researching everything she can about them; from where they come from and why they are here to what they have become today.
In 2009 with the purchase of her first working dog, Von Schlottke's Divine Dream, she Owner/Handler/Trained "Devi" to an APR1, CD and began learning the ins and outs of Conformation. She then went on to breed Devi to Agir Miss Jakoso IPO 3 SchH 3 ZTP 1A, that resulted in one living pup who went to live with Butch Henderson, Arson v Schlottke IPO3 SchH 3. Devi was unfortunately retired and placed due to a neck injury at 4yrs old. In 2012, she went on to get Qian Li von Vicaral that earned her BH, CD, and ATT. Qian Li or "QL" as she was affectionately called, went on to whelp a litter with RATCHX5 URO2 U-GRCH / Intl CH / UDC CH / AKC GCH Catawba's Power Play CD RE CGC TKA BH IPO1 RATI CZ8P ROM ATT VCX FO P1 ASCA RN BSA E2A. The litter under the kennel name Von Siegruhm, resulted in 2 GCH offspring, one of which is front and back titled, AKC GCH Int CH, U-CH, URO1 W186 Livin The Dream v Siegruhm CD RA CGC-A RATI RATN SPOT TKA DN BCAT SNC-1 ROM. "Joe" went on to become Von Siegruhm's first ROM, GCH and most titled offspring to date.
In 2011, during one of Brandy's Doberman meetup groups, she met Joelle and her 2 Dobermans. In 2013 Joelle co-owned an import dog "Ludic" with Brandy. With Ludic and Brandy, Joelle began the journey of showing and titling where she hardened her passion for well bred and versatile Dobermans. Joelle officially became partners with Brandy in 2015 with the purchase of "Envy" UDC CH Mischief N Mayhem NightFever, BH ATT. Upon their first partner litter, sired by CH Eclipse's "Let's Roll" IPO3 CD BSA-E1A AD ROM BFL-1, they changed the kennel name to Iconic Dobermans.
It is their goal to leave the breed better than they found it. They strive for health, longevity, correct structure, temperament, and working ability. They strive to maintain this breed as the extremely versatile working dogs they are historically known for, along with making wonderful family companions that you can live with.